*kaikki kuvat itsetehtyjä |
Loman jälkeen mulla on suunnitelmassa, no, opiskella. Huhtikuun lopussa odottaa ykkösvuoden loppukokeet ja muutamia muita tärkeitä deadlineja. Aion myös yrittää pitää mun urheilumotivaation päällä ja nauttia viimeisestä parista kuukaudesta ennen kesälomaa. Näyttää siltä, että suhteellisen intensiiviset viimeiset viikot on edessä, mutta enköhän mä pärjää, varsinkin nyt kun pääsen taas täydentämään mun salmiakkivarastot. Täältä tullaan Suomi! :)
// I've bee tired this week. We're getting our progress and predicted grades on Monday, so apparently it seems like a good idea, to teachers, to do all of the work of this term right now. I've had presentations, tests, essays and other work like that. I guess it's understandable to go to bed at 10 and fall asleep after few seconds, when you have a full schedule for the entire day.
On the other hand, I've also had time to exercise, be excited for my firsties and to enjoy the incredibly warm and sunny weather. It feels strange to me to lay on the grass wearing a t-shirt on March. Although I won't be enjoying that for long. I'm going home this Saturday for Easter Break! I'm really happy about going home after over 3 months, even though I kinda feel like I just left. I took a little bit of extra holidays, so I'll have 9 full days to do absolutely nothing. Except for going to Sauna. So prepare for a break from the blog.
After the break I'm planning to, well, study. First year exams are coming along with a few important deadlines. I'll also try to keep my motivation for sports up and to take out everything I can from the last few months before the summer. It's going to be intensive after the break, but I'll probably be fine. Especially because I get to bring back lot's and lot's of Finnish food. It's going to be great.
*all the pictures made by me
Welcome home my darling <3 Pus pus, mum.
VastaaPoistaEnsimmäisenä, oikein oikein paljon Onnea sinule 18V. johdosta!! Onpas hienoja kuvia sinulta -ihania... - ja tervetuloa suomeen/kotiin... nauti lomasta ja kerää voimia loppu kevään koitokseen! t. AM